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Student Wage Calculator for Germany

As a working student you enjoy a special status that exempts you from some taxes. Our salary calculator offers you the possibility to calculate your working student salary quickly and easily. You can see at a glance what your gross and net income is.
Written by
Erkan Boga

Student wage calculator

Enter your gross/net wage here. This can be the monthly or yearly amount. Specify the corresponding period in the box below.

Tax Details

The tax class affects the rate of income tax, solidarity surcharge and church tax. There are six tax classes in Germany.

Unmarried, divorced, widowed without children.
Unmarried lone parent, divorced or widowed with children.
Married sole wage earner, dual wage earner whose spouse has the tax class V (married couples, one of whom is a high-income earner, the other a low-income earner).
Married dual wage earners (with similar incomes).
IV with factoring:
See IV. However, the benefit of splitting classes is considered during the tax year.
Married person, whose partner has the tax class III.
Applies to an additional scope of employment or supplementary income.

Monthly deductions can be reduced by means of allowances. You can apply to have childcare costs deducted as an allowance. Commuters may apply to have travel costs for their journeys to and from work deducted. Amounts greater than € 920 per year are generally accepted figures.

You may apply to your tax office for an allowance up until November 30 of each year. Nevertheless, anyone who does not apply by this time may have the costs reimbursed by the tax office at a later time by declaring the incurred costs in their annual tax returns.

Tax year
Gross0.00 €
Net0.00 €
Tax deductions
Solidarity surcharge0.00 €
Church tax0.00 €
Income Tax0.00 €
Total taxes0.00 €
Social security contributions
Pension insurance0.00 €
Unemployment Insurance0.00 €
Health insurance0.00 €
Care insurance0.00 €
Total0.00 €
Employer's contributions

First of all: Congratulations on your working student job! Besides the experience you gain in your new, future professional field, you are now taking an important step towards financial independence. To help you keep a clear head and know exactly how much salary is available to you at the end of the month, this salary calculator is tailored to working students.

This is because there are some significant differences between the salary of working students and the income of non-student workers. These include exemptions from unemployment and nursing care insurance. Due to the taxes employees have to pay, a conventional gross-net calculator is not suitable for students.

As a working student, you should observe some conditions and special regulations to get the maximum benefit from your job. After all, in addition to work experience, the salary also plays an important role, of course. Usually students depend on financial support from their parents, BAföG or a scholarship. As a working student, this changes. Because watch out: You can work up to 20 hours during the semester and earn up to €950 per month without having to pay income tax.

Working students profit from reduced taxes

Just as for employees after a completed degree, it is important for working students to calculate their net salary in advance. Those who earn up to 450 euros a month retain the entire income. From a higher income onwards, small deductions are made.

As a working student, you can earn a variable hourly wage between the minimum wage and 20 Euro (currently the minimum wage in Germany is 12.00 Euro per hour, February 2023). The more advanced the studies, the higher the wage. However, how much a company pays also depends on the industry. Humanities students generally earn less than mechanical engineering or economics students.

If you earn more than 9 euros per hour, you will quickly reach 450 euros per month. With an average hourly wage of 10 euros for bachelor students, 45 hours a month are enough to reach this amount. After that, there is a lot to consider!

Health insurance: This regulation applies to working students

If you are under 25 years old and have only had a mini-job, you have not yet had to worry about your health insurance. Because in Germany, you are family insured until then. However, as soon as your monthly income exceeds 445 Euros, you have to insure yourself. For working students there is a cheap tariff, which varies according to health insurance and scope of services. The average contribution of a student health insurance (KVdS) is 90 to 100 Euro per month.

A small calculation example shows that it is not always worthwhile to earn more than 450 Euro because of the health insurance. The following calculation assumes a health insurance amount of 100 Euro per month.

Working hours per week Gross (month) Net (month)
10 €400 per month €400
13 €520 per month €420
15 €600 per month €500

So with 13 hours per week, you work 12 hours more per month than with 10 hours a week, but only earn 20 euros more. In this case, the additional effort is not worth it. So calculate in advance exactly how much you will earn and how much will be left after deducting your health insurance.

Pay attention to wage tax

From a monthly income of 950 Euro gross, wage taxes are due. The flat-rate tax is 2 percent of the salary, but it is calculated according to individual wage tax deduction characteristics. Financial support from parents or BAföG as well as a scholarship are not included in the income. They therefore have no influence on whether you have to pay taxes or not.

Exemption from social security contributions

The biggest financial advantage of a working student job is the elimination of social security contributions. However, you only benefit from exemption from unemployment, health and nursing care insurance if you meet certain conditions.

As mentioned above, health insurance fees are incurred from an income of 450 Euro gross. From this amount on, you slip out of the family insurance.

The most important condition for the working student status is the working hours: the 20 hours per week may not be exceeded. Then you are not a working student for the health insurance company and have to insure yourself as an employee.

If you work full-time for a total of 182 calendar days over the year, you are no longer considered a working student and must pay the full social security contributions. The 20-hour rule is designed to ensure that you have enough time for your studies. During the semester break there are special regulations, and you can also work more than 20 hours a week.

Use the gross-net calculator as a working student

The gross-net and salary calculator is designed for working students and takes all special regulations into account. You only need to enter your salary, your age and the corresponding tax year to calculate your gross or net salary.

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